ISO 14001

The ISO 14001 certificate is a testament to our commitment to environmental sustainability and responsible business practices. It signifies that our organization has successfully implemented an Environmental Management System (EMS) in accordance with the internationally recognized ISO 14001 standard. This system enables us to identify, monitor, and control the environmental aspects of our operations, ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. By achieving this certification, we demonstrate our dedication to minimizing our environmental impact, conserving resources, and continuously improving our environmental performance. This not only benefits the planet but also showcases our dedication to socially responsible and sustainable business operations.
ISO 9001:2015

Our ISO 9001:2015 accreditation underpins all aspects of what we do as a business and how we meet and exceed our customers requirements.
It reinforces how, as a business, we operate, control and continually improve all aspects of our business from initial enquiry through to the closure and acceptance of any given job. Our KPI’s and Objectives are defined by our own business goals and those of our customers to ensure we are able to deliver a ‘best in class’ service.
ISO 45001

Each of our employees has a legal obligation to take reasonable care of their own health and safety, and for the health and safety of other people who may be affected by their acts or omissions. At i-Systems, we are committed to ensuring the minimum of H&S risk for our employees, our clients’ employees and for members of the general public who come into contact with us.
As such, all staff undertake a mandatory Health & Safety induction course at point of entry into the company. All engineering staff undertake IOSH Working Safely training and all directors, managers and supervisors undertake IOSH Managing Safely training.
We regularly review our Health & Safety system to ensure both legal and legislative compliance.
NICEIC – Approved Contractor

i-Systems is registered with the NICEIC and as such are assessed on a regular basis to ensure that we are competent and capable of meeting the relevant technical and safety standards, codes of practice and rules of the Schemes we are registered to.
ISO 14001

I-Systems recognises that it has a responsibility to the environment beyond legal and regulatory requirements. We are committed to reducing our environmental impact and continually improving our environmental performance as an integral part of our business strategy and operating methods.
Moving forward and ensure our continual improvement we are concentrating on the following areas of the business: Paper usage, Office Supplies, Transportation, Maintenance and Cleaning. By encouraging and monitoring our Objectives within these areas we can reduce our environmental impact.